Sunday, November 23, 2008

News in the 1.1 version


eduardo said...

i've just purchased this application. I have a lot of recepies in my computer. Is there a way to copy them to my i-phone without having to re-type them.

Unknown said...

Hi, I also purchased your application and it would be great to sync them either online or to computer so we can have them as backup and easier editing for later. Love the app though!

Unknown said...

hi, i have an itouch but i see that it's only supported on iphone, is that true?

max said...

I don't have tested the software with the iPod touch.
I think some functions don't work.
Non ho testato il software sull'iPod touch penso che alcune cose possano non funzionare o richiedano software aggiuntivo per esempio mail.